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~*1 John 4:7*~

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.


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- Princess Catherine ~*~

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hope Chests

Have you ever heard of a Hope Chest? Maybe your grandma mentioned something like that, or maybe even your mom.

Hope Chests are...well, to put it literally, containers that you put stuff in.

Okay, let's try that again. A Hope Chest is a box filled with memories of your childhood, heirlooms, and your handwork that will be needed in your married life. You can put your great-grandmother's china tea-set (complete with the delicate rose paintings and gold edges) in your Hope Chest for tea parties with your future daughters, or you can keep a jackknife in there for a future son. Or a set of silver ware, for practical use, or even embroidered doilies for home decoration when you get married! Is that a better description?

Hope Chests are an older tradition, but a very good one. And there is never a time that you're too young to start one.

As a matter of fact, I'm hoping to start one soon!

Here are some things (including some that I mentioned a few paragraphs above) that you could put in a Hope Chest:

Photo Albums


A tea-set


A quilt, or maybe a tablecloth

A picture you drew when you were little

A Bible


If you've ever made candles or soap, that would be good, too.

Those are only a few ideas!

In Christ,

Princess Izori


  1. Great post! I was wondering, if you could put your journals in there too? I don't know if I want my husband to see all of the things I want to put in there, not because they aren't pure but because they are does he have to see everything you put in your Hope Chest?

  2. Well, you certainly aren't supposed to keep secrets from your husband, that's for sure! Although I see your point. What I would suggest is, whenever you are keeping a journal, think before you write "Would I want my husband to read this?"

    When you are married, you and your husband will come one. Not in the 'Become one with the Force', weird, kind of thing, but you guys will be one in love. Right now, you might flinch at the thought of a boy reading your personal journal, but it might be different when you're actually married.

    Basically, if you don't want your husband to see it, don't put it in your Hope Chest.

    I hope that helps,

    Princess Izori

  3. Oh, I see! Thanks!
