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~*1 John 4:7*~

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.


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- Princess Catherine ~*~

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Excitement

I just love Thanksgiving!

I would have to say that it's my second favorite holiday; for me, Christmas is first! But back to the point...there are many things that I like about Thanksgiving and I'm excited about them!

One is that I have two siblings in college and they are home for the holiday. I'm really excited about being able to see them again! Also, I get a Thanksgiving break from school, and I always enjoy that!
For special occasions, I'm usually the one to set the table, which is a job I enjoy, and you may think, "Hmmm. That's strange. I know that I personally don't enjoy setting the table!"

I am the same way most of the time, but Thanksgiving is a special day. On that day my mom let's us use her good china and maybe a tablecloth (or is that only at Christmas? :). God has given me the gift of being a person who likes to help arrange food in pretty ways at special events, make centerpieces for tables, or set the table using good china and a tablecloth. Last year, I even got onto a website that taught me how to fold napkins different ways. I just really enjoy "primping" food and tables, and I am so thankful for that 'talent'! :)

Well, I've shared with you what I like to do with my Thanksgiving holiday.

What about you? Do you have a specific tradition or something you do that you'd like to share with us? Just leave it as a comment.
We'd love to hear from you!

Enjoy your Thanksgiving, and remember, whether or not you celebrate this holiday, to always give thanks to your King.

~Princess Gloria

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